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Monday, April 30, 2012

the iphone

as u all know that in smartphones when it comes to apple it is the most efficient producer of the smartphones. THE IPHONE now completely TRUE HD(retina display), supports the best mobile ios (ios 5.1) with icloud features.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

return of saviour

hey guyz, i'm back yeah its long tym but i'm updating,instead of some RSS FEEDS i now myself will b writing my posts the good thing is this that i was testing,bricking , jailbreaking and successfully restoring the most powerful gadget cum phone " the APPLE" iphone/ipad/ipod. So here i ll b sharing my expertise reviews, tips n tricks and many useful apps review all the things with video and text support. on the other hand what i want from all of u just ur feedback about my entries so i can improve myself thanks all !!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Images dat ll ruin ur childhood

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Nostalgia is a sucker's game. We imagine all the toys and TV shows from childhood as perfect and awesome purely because our immature brains hadn't developed the ability to joylessly pick things apart for their flaws. The songs we liked at age 10 weren't any better than the Justin Bieber stuff the 10-year-old girls love now.
So it's good to go back and look at our childhood icons through adult eyes. OK, maybe "good" isn't the word for it ...
"Luke! Be Careful! There Are Exposed Springs on That One!"
The Child Saw:
The "bottomless" chasm is as much a staple of the Star Wars universe as the lightsaber. It's a wonderful symbol for that world's vast, endless technology and how small it can make a person feel. Nobody who watched the above scene as a kid was thinking that consciously, but we felt it when Luke, crushed by the revelation from Vader, tumbled down into it, falling, forever ...
Ruined By:
... onto a bunch of used garage sale mattresses.
That behind-the-scenes pic is from the coffeetable book The Making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Usually it's cool to see the inventive wizardry that went on behind the scenes at Lucasfilm, but now I can't watch that scene without picturing the big pile of smelly mattresses just below Luke that appear to have been collected from various alleys around town.
While we're on Star Wars ...
"Guys, Make Sure Kenny Hasn't Suffocated."
The Child Saw:
It's not like it's some shock to find out R2-D2 isn't "real." He's supposed to be a robot, and even as a kid you figured he probably actually is a robot. Just one that can't think and stuff.
Ruined By:
R2-D2 is a dwarf eating a hot dog.
Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against dwarves (that's Kenny Baker, who's still working to this day because there are only like three dwarf actors in Hollywood) and I've eaten my share of hotdogs. But all I can think about is how freaking hot it must have been inside that airless tin can, shooting in the desert for long days.
Couldn't it have been, I don't know, remote-controlled or something? Did Baker have a little steering wheel in there to move R2 around? Also, I note that among Baker's roles on his IMDb page are characters named "Bungo," "Fidgit," "Dufflepud," "The Croat" and "Bruce Foreskin."
And ... now I'm depressed. No more Star Wars.
Greedo's Sexy Heels
The Child Saw:
Wait, one more. Prior to the whole "Greedo shot first" encounter, the above scene was our introduction to Han Solo -- that is, our first look at how Han lives and the world that he inhabits. Weird green guys getting in his face with guns drawn, trying to shake him down. This was where we learned that as a fantasy franchise, Star Wars wasn't The Hobbit. It was a gritty universe, with a seedy underbelly of armed thugs.
Ruined By:
Look at the shoes.
Those are the sexy, sexy heels of Maria de Aragon, who played Greedo when he was standing up. He was played by somebody else when he was sitting in the booth. Not like it matters, with the mask on and the voice dubbed in later. Hell, in the prequels they'd have just left the seat empty and put a bundle of tennis balls there to map the CGI to.
Maybe this was the first time George Lucas figured out that characters didn't need to be played by actors -- they could just be cobbled together out of parts. Speaking of which ...
Bugs Bunny: Template 4B
The Child Saw:
It's amazing to think about a guy doodling a cartoon character onto a notepad, and then having people still wearing that character on T-shirts 70 years later. But it's easy to see why in this case -- Bugs Bunny is cool, even if he's in a rerun from 1944 and doing a slapstick bit about war bonds. He's the template for every sarcastic smartass who's appeared on the pop culture scene since.
Just look at him. Look at the way he stands. Put a cartoon shotgun in his face, and he'll stand the same way, before sticking his finger in the barrel. That bunny does not give a fuck.
Ruined By:
Bugs Bunny was drawn from a standard, "fill in the blanks" template of characters. Specifically, he falls into the "screwball" type, as you can tell by his "pear shaped body" and "big feet."
That guide up there was created by Preston Blair, an animator who worked for both Disney and Warner Bros. back in the day. He did some Mickey Mouse features, along with parts of Pinocchio and Bambi. So here's the guide he used to draw Thumper:
The Cute Character, Row 2, Figure 2. After that he went to work for Tex Avery, creator of a lot of those famous Warner Bros. and MGM characters such as Bugs and Daffy Duck, among others. Each of them a cold calculation, measuring out a specific ratio of eyeball width to forehead height to body size to extract the right emotional response from children. He had a template for everything:
Jesus, people, does everything have to be done on an assembly line? Are we all nothing but mechanized puppets, controlled by some corporation?
Hey, that reminds me ...
He's Called Gizmo Because ...
The Child Saw:
Gremlins scared the shit out of me when I was a kid, and when I go back and watch it now, I'm surprised I didn't wind up with post-traumatic stress disorder. Holy shit this movie is dark. It's clearly aimed at kids -- Gizmo is the fuzziest, most huggable creature in cinema history, and the merchandizing blitz at the time left the world carpeted in those dolls. Yet the film itself includes a scene where a character 1) tells the audience there is no Santa Claus and 2) points out that she found that out upon discovering the rotting corpse of her dead father in the chimney.
Ah, but even with the horrors and numerous onscreen deaths, all we remembered was Gizmo. So cute! (You know, thanks to the large, widely spaced eyes and small mouth/nose combination as noted in the guide above.) Especially when he makes that sad, frowny face like that. What are you sad about, Gizmo? Somebody needs a hug!
Ruined By:
Ah, you're sad because your electronic entrails are spilled onto the floor and connected to a series of hand-operated switches. But at least you made out better than the evil gremlin. You may have a bundle of a dozen wires spilling from your asshole, but at least you have legs.
Really, puppetry holds nothing but horrors when we go behind the scenes ...
You Smell Like Hemp Today, Bert ...
The Child Saw:
Sesame Street raised half of the people reading this. Even now, when some of us read the alphabet, we still hear it in James Earl Jones' voice. Still, even at age three we knew Bert and Ernie were puppets -- you can see the little sticks that moves their hands, for Christ's sake. So what possible disappointment could await us behind the curtain?
Ruined By:
JESUS CHRIST IT'S HIPPIES. Hippies and former Vikings head coach Brad Childress.
YOU, TOO, ROWLF FROM MUPPETS? To make him play the piano took not one but two hippies, one straddling the other from behind? This is what was going on two inches offscreen every time we watched you?
Is the puppet industry dominated by hippies? At least with Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, we knew it was Mr. Rogers behind it all.
... or, if this photo is accurate, it was a random hobo.

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_19001_17-images-that-will-ruin-your-childhood.html#ixzz1EnfH7Q8P

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


For the past few weeks, I have been debating on whether or not to purchase a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. What are Vibram Five Fingers you ask?


Now I know that your first impulse is going to be to tell me stop being a moron and buy some regular shoes, but here’s the thing: with my recent foray into the barefoot running world, I’ve decided to give shoeless transport a shot. Understand, I’m not going to be breaking any world marathon records, but I figure that if unshod running provides a health benefit then I should be the first one to report on it, right?

I can spot a health fad from 5,280 feet. I’m usually a person who shies away from fads in order to maintain my integrity, but this whole barefoot movement has really caught my attention. Let me explain.

About four years ago I hurt my back.

I’d just stepped out of the shower. After drying myself off and admiring my physique in the bathroom mirror (Sometimes I’m allowed to be vain. Don’t judge.) I wrapped a towel around myself and proceeded to my bedroom to get dressed. Somewhere between the wrapping of said towel and becoming fully clothed, I managed to drop a pair of boxer shorts on the floor. As I leaned over to pick them up, I sneezed.

Being a twenty-six year old fitness junkie has its advantages, but in that moment I felt absolutely none of them. As soon as I’d finished sneezing, I tried standing up only to discover that my lower back would not allow me to do so. In fact, the excruciating pain involved in standing was only amplified by the comical aspects of my gratuitous nudity.

I would spend the next three days in bed.

Since then, I have had to exercise caution when performing any heavy lifting or exercise. Lifting lighter weights on exercises like the squat and the dead lift have helped, but while running (which is a favorite activity of mine) I find that I experience quite a bit of lower back pain.

Therein lies my dilemma. I have found that mid-foot striking or landing on the ball of my foot when running tends to help that horrible back pain. The Five Fingers shoes are supposed to allow that sort of striking when running. Knowing that and understanding the mechanics of barefoot running have put the idea of running without shoes in the forefront of my perspective.

The Vibram Five Fingers shoes are merely a means to an end. If barefoot running helps, then I may use it as my primary cardiovascular activity. I love running. I love it more than cycling, the elliptical and stair climbing combined. My only concern is shelling out almost a hundred bucks for a thin piece of rubber sole and what essentially constitutes makeshift gorilla feet.

So what are your opinions of the Vibram Five Fingers shoe? All hype or something I should consider?


Saturday, December 25, 2010

christmas celebration

so finally we celebrated christmas eve.......n njoyd alot....
n so do they......just have a look on dem...

We Declare War on Christmas: Merry Crackedmas Eve Eve Eve

By CRACKED Staff Dec 25, 2010 31,844 views
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Right now, millions of you have gathered together with family and friends to laugh and sing and exchange gifts around the Christmas tree. And it's on this day that Cracked.com would like to take time to say you need to put a stop to that shit, right now.

Throw that fire hazard back in the woods and keep your socks on your goddamn feet.
The war on Christmas
See, for years Bill O'Reilly types have been talking about a "war on Christmas" and while we haven't taken the time to research the details, we want Bill to know we are ready to join that war. Tell us what we need to do, Bill. Meet us in the parking lot -- we're here with switchblades and baseball bats, and one dude brought a spear gun (Ha-ha! What the fuck, Steve?).

Seriously, it was kind of funny when he brought that ax to the bake sale, but now we're a little freaked out.
We're ready. Everyone is drunk, fists raised, steel clinking against steel. Santa Claaaaaauuuussss! Come out and plaaaaaayyyy!!!
When our crew rides on Christmas, it's gonna wish it had kept its head down like Arbor Day. When Santa drops into our house, he gets treated like those robbers from Home Alone. If he slides down our chimney, before his toes touch logs he's gonna feel a steel-toe boot to the dick.

Nothing says Christmas like claymores by the fireplace.
What's our beef with Christmas?
The fact that you even have to ask means you should call your health insurance company and warn them that they're about to run out of health insurance because you're going to use it all. Clearly, the holiday has become too commercialized -- if an alien landed on Earth today, he'd report back that Christmas was a celebration of Las Vegas-style blinking lights, angry drivers and gift cards. The soul is gone; it's not like the simple, down-home Christmases we remember from our childhoods in the late 1980s.
It's time for a new holiday, a simpler holiday.

A malt liquor holiday.
Enter Crackedmas.
The date: Dec. 28.
Why that date? That's the date our book, You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News: Shocking but Utterly True Facts -- containing 18 articles you cannot read anywhere but the book, plus illustrations by Web comic luminaries like Nedroid -- is unleashed on a materialistic and unbelieving public, in fulfillment of the ancient prophecy.

Ia! Ia! Cracked fhtagn!
Now, we are not saying that Crackedmas is based entirely around the purchasing of our book, or that we have been vandalizing Christmas decorations for two weeks just because our book happens to be coming out on a different day.
No, the holiday is when you read our book. You can purchase it right now.
Crackedmas is about coming back home on the 28th, exhausted, having endured a long Christmas weekend with your in-laws and hours of pissed-off traffic ... then seeing a little brown cardboard box the UPS man left leaning against your door, knowing that it contains more hours of joy and laughter than even the most loving family will ever, ever be able to provide you (320 pages worth).

This, on the other hand, is amusing for roughly seven minutes.
If you didn't have the cash to pre-order before Crackedmas, well, that's what this so-called "Christmas" is for -- you invariably received or will receive money or gift cards from some family member who either didn't feel like shopping or has no clue what things you like. As long as it's more than 10 or 15 bucks, you can basically get our book for free. There is mathematically nothing you can spend the money on that, dollar for dollar, will bring you more pleasure. You will look on that aunt or cousin in a new light, as you realize that they accidentally gave you the greatest gift any human has ever given another.

Yeah, good call on the murder-wagon there, asshole.
Maybe you got a Kindle for Christmas. Perfect -- this will be an excellent way to put that shit through its paces. Are you a rebel who opted to get a Nook instead? No problem; you can be reading us within seconds once Crackedmas arrives.

You can read it on your smartphone with Kindle for Android or on your iPad with Kindle for iOS.
If you insist on flipping through a physical copy before you part with your cash, for fear that we just filled the 320 pages with crude renderings of dongs (something the publisher actually killed at the proposal stage), then you'll need to spend some time in a bookstore. But if you're a dude, be careful -- when the girl behind the counter sees you buying the Cracked book, primal mating instinct will take over, and she will dive across the register and reach frantically for your junk. If you're a woman, she will try to murder you out of jealousy.
The point is, we're not telling you how to celebrate Crackedmas. All people should, according to their own beliefs, decide in what exact format they want to enjoy You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News: Shocking but Utterly True Facts, and which retailer they want to purchase it from.
As for those of you who still believe in Christmas, who believe the day is sacred and are uncomfortable with the fact that our crew has beef, we respect your opinion. But you need to respect our position, which is that we're published writers now, which means 1) we all have beards, and 2) we are fighting drunk all of the time. That's literally what being an author is.

Finally, we can write off all our drugs and firearms as business-related expenses.
So Santa? Rudolph? Frosty? And those bastards who make those giant red bows they put on top of the new cars that those douchey young couples get for each other in the Lexus commercials? It's Crackedmas Eve Eve Eve, and you need to watch your ass.

In most states, you can legally shoot both reindeer and home inva

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18940_we-declare-war-christmas-merry-crackedmas-eve-eve-eve.html#ixzz199WcSxxO

Monday, December 20, 2010

6 Animals That Just Don't Give A F#@k

By Danny Vittore Nov 30, 2010 1,496,694 views

Some animals are boring, and that's fine: They're all gathering nuts or looking for mates or marking territory or some stupid shit. Hey, you know, whatever floats your boat, squirrel. We prefer the animals that just straight don't give a fuck: the ones that punch sharks in the dick, ghost-ride somebody else's whip, beer-bong tequila and look you dead in the eye while plowing your girlfriend. Animals like:

It's common knowledge that the mongoose and the snake are mortal enemies. And you'd think that statement is one-sided: On the one hand, you've got the very emblem of evil and sin -- a scaled, wriggling tube of poison, fangs and death. On the other hand you've got what looks like a cross between a rat and Prince Charles.
If they allowed bets on interspecies rivalries, we'd lay our money square on the snake, every time. And we would lose that money, for one very simple reason: because the mongoose isn't fighting snakes for food, or for territory, or for survival -- it's fighting snakes because fuck snakes. That's seriously the reason why: Occasionally you will see a mongoose eating the meat from a defeated snake, but as a general rule, they prefer to avoid it. Yet they still actively seek out and hunt snakes, oftentimes ones larger than themselves. Some species of mongoose have even been known to fight king cobras, a snake so badass it literally eats other, lesser snakes for breakfast. The iconography of the king cobra inundates our culture, and from Commander to Kai, it is always used to intimidate. The hood, the hypnotic weaving, the forked tongue -- every visual aspect of the king cobra screams rotten death and fear.
And then along comes this doofy hillbilly weasel, which proceeds to murder the shit out of the living embodiment of terror just because there's nothing better to do that day.
Pen-Tailed Tree Shrew

Aww, aren't they just darling? The tree shrew looks like a real-life anime character, all big, round eyes, adorable little paws and tiny mouth. If that thing spoke, it would have the squeaky voice of a preteen Japanese girl, and it would teach jaded sword-wielding teenagers the importance of nature through its precocious antics.

"Listen! Cocklebur can be fatal if fed to livestock!"
But the pen-tailed tree shrew isn't all cuteness and innocence. It's on this list because it eats only one thing: The fermented nectar from the bertam palm plant of Malaysia. This nectar is naturally fermented inside the plant to have an alcohol content of around 3.8 percent, roughly equivalent to one (cheap) human beer. Now, these shrews aren't the only animals on Earth that drink alcohol -- bats, birds, monkeys and many other creatures drink on occasion -- but we meant it literally when we said they consume only one thing: booze. That is their sole sustenance. They do nothing but get blasted, every hour of every day of every year of their lives. These guys spend an average of two hours a day doing nothing but drinking the bertam liquor, an amount roughly equivalent to about 10 to 12 glasses of wine for a human, all in one sitting.

The Kennedys of the wild.
So yes, it might look like it's about to do a series of tiny cartwheels while singing you a little song about where rainbows come from, but if it did, it would probably vomit on your pants afterward and then take a swing at you for "judging it with your eyes."

This one should come as no surprise to anybody: They didn't name the comic book character after the wolverine because he's often found on the tundra and scent-marks his territory (although it might make for a better comic book if he did). It's because the damn things are vicious. But most of us have never seen an actual wolverine, so that picture up there comes as somewhat of a surprise. Look how cute he is! Then there's this:
And it's like watching a baby unhinge its jaw to swallow a kitten whole; the cuteness all instantly perverts into horror. So you know that the wolverine is somehow associated with berserker rage, and that it can transform from a cuddle machine into a threshing maw of horror in an instant. It's a psychopath, you get that. What you might not be getting, however, is the sheer scale of its madness: That berserker rage is not selective to animals its own size, animals it can realistically take, animals it wants to eat or animals that pose any direct threat to it. No, the wolverine will attack and eat everything from small rodents to arctic foxes to deer, musk ox and even bears.
Wait ... what? The fuck can that thing take on a bear? The sheer size difference makes it impossible.
Are we cheaping out here and counting one-sided fights where bears corner and devour wolverines while the tiny animals haplessly gnaw on the giant predator's ankles? Nope: Wolverines will actively stalk and attack larger predators by hiding on top of rocky outcrops or in trees, then leaping off onto their backs, biting, chewing, mauling and stomping on their spines like a backpack capable of hate.
But don't take our word for it -- witness all the random spite of nature firsthand:

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18860_6-animals-that-just-dont-give-f2340k.html#ixzz18fU09yEH